Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Passive safety in MotoGP : Safety at 300 Km/h

Passive safety in MotoGP is a key element in the protection of motorcycle riders who only have their clothing to avoid the so-feared injuries.
Seat belt, airbag, lateral bars, ergonomic seat… there are none of these safety elements, present in any of today’s cars, on a motorcycle, and much less on a racing one. Because of that, the good working order of a bike, the skill of the rider and their own very advanced equipment replace all the elements that a car provides to protect the driver in case of an accident.
It is for that reason that the Motorcycle World Championship riders take special care of all their clothing to the smallest detail to prevent injuries in case of a fall. Helmet, gloves, boots, race leathers, back protection, elbow pads, knee pads…all of which are highly developed elements, made with the latest technology and fitted to each rider so that in case of a fall, is protected from high speed impacts.
The weight, the materials continue to become more resistant and lighter, the flexibility, comfort, breathability and other details, some of which may seem insignificant to us, became of vital importance when designing a protective element, whether it is gloves, boots, race leathers, helmet or other components.

Supplied by: Repsol Media Service

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